Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Open Arms Newsletter 8/26/14

Dear Parents     8/26/14
The first 3 days of the school year were very successful; the children are renewing their friendships and meeting new friends. Thanks to everyone for the well planned and fast goodbyes in morning drop off, it has helped the first few days of transitioning back to school be smooth for most children.
We will not have a parent evening on Saturday the 6th, we will have a harvest picnic instead, with the children, on a Thursday in October at 11. This will be a fun get together for all of us to meet each other and new families, similar to the picnic at the end of the year in May.
I will find another evening for a parent evening here at my home and let you know soon. And In November we will celebrate our evening lantern walk again at the park, more on that in another e mail.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our day, your child or anything else. Open communication between myself and parents has always worked in the children's favor since we both love the children and spend much time with them.
Please remember to pay for august as September invoices will be e mailed out soon. There is a once a yearly $50.00 material fee for supplies, due in September as well.
I am looking forward to see the rest of the children in the coming weeks and want to remind us that it takes time for some children and adults to create strong friendships with other children and with teachers, especially now that some of their friends moved to kindergarten. One of the most important pieces of preschool is the process of learning to create theses friendships.
The story I am telling the children this week is about little fawn who is sitting under some trees on a patch of dry soft grass. A Robin red breast fly down to see him and asks: little fawn, little fawn are you lost and all alone? And little fawn says:  no, mother said to quietly wait, she will come back and will not be late. And so more animals gather and ask the same question and each time Fawn answers the same.  Bear comes yawning from his den, squirrel is looking for nuts for winter, Rabbit and lamb come too. They all gather round fawn who begins to wonder when is mother going to come back, and did she really say that?.
Robin sings Fawn a song:    
Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. 
The circle is round it has no end, that how long I want to be your friend.
Bear tells Fawn a story, squirrel shares his nut and lamb keeps him warm and cozy.
Then mother comes back and gives fawn a kiss, and if things have not changed she always comes back when she makes a promise, (Mother stands for a loving parent).
I hope this story can help the children, during these first days of school remember that parents come back and give validation to their emotions. Next week we will try and act it as a play.
Thanks again for bringing the children here

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